Hey gamer friends, are you ready to swap some games and meet new people?
We're hosting a swap meet and Super Smash Bros. Melee & Ult tournament on November 26th at The Winston Junction Market. It's going to be a blast! After the tournament is over, we'll pile into Earls for some live music.
Video Games, Table Top Games, Trading Card Games, Comics, Action Figures, Toys, and accessories—you'll see it all. If you have extra items to sell, feel free to bring them along with your own purchases.
We'll have Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox stations for both social and competitive play. There will be prizes for all kinds of players—casual or hardcore, come on out!
We'll be ready for gaming at 4:00 pm so come early if you're hoping to get in on the action before bracket play begins at 5:00 pm.
This open corridor venue is sandwiched between Earls Restaurant/Bar and BATL Axe Throwing (both of which serve beer), so you'll have plenty of options for food or drinks before, during, or after the event. You can't miss us!
Competitive Tournament Lineup
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - $100 Pot Bonus! Bracket Starts at 5 pm sharp - come early to help set up and get some warm-up matches in.
$10 Venue Fee - Includes Chips & Drink Tickets.
Save $5 if you bring a full setup (NS & Monitor).
$5 Singles Bracket Entry Fee - goes into the prize pool
The stage list will be printed
BYOController & GC adapter if you play with a GC controller.
Super Smash Bros Melee - $100 Pot Bonus! Bracket Starts at 5 pm sharp - come early to help set up and get some warm-up matches in.
$10 Venue Fee - Includes Chips & Drink Tickets.
Save $5 if you bring a full setup (NGC or NWii & Monitor).
$5 Singles Bracket Entry Fee - goes into the prize pool
Standard NC rules: 8-minute timer, 4 stocks, no items Starter stages: BF, YS, FoD, Frozen Stadium, DL Counterpick stages: BF, YS, FoD, Frozen Stadium, DL, FD
Wobbling is banned
Should we add any other games to the tournament lineup?
Serious about selling?
We can help! The event is an opportunity for those who want to make some extra cash in a safe space. We'll even provide a table, and make announcements of what you'll have, for free! If you need more room than one table or have any questions about selling your goods at the event, please reach out through our contact page or call/text us at (336) 365-5288
If you would like to reserve a spot at one of our vending tables, please register for free below.
Just Browsing or Spectating?
Sign up for a free spectator ticket to get a full list of vendors and what they're bringing!